Grameenphone Project.
Grameenphone Work During Picture.
Airtel Project.
Airtel Work During Picture.
Robi Work During Picture.
Dhaka Construction Company ( DCC ) is currently involved in the Civil and Telecom works for the following international operators in Bangladesh from 2005 to till now.
1. Grameenphone Ltd (Telenor)
2. Robi Axiata Ltd
3. Airtel Bangladesh Ltd
4. Banglalink Digital Communication Ltd (Orascom)
Our expertise and proficiency in one or more of the following:
*Site Acquisition Services� Manufacture and installation of Tower and Pole.
� Antenna Mounting.
� Installation of Fire Detection and Fire Fighting Equipment.
� Lighting Facility and emergency Light.
� Installation of Security Equipment.
� Electrical Woks & AC Power wiring.
� Grounding.
� Main electrical Distribution Board.
� Power System.
� Installation, Configuration of Microwave Equipment.
� Civil Works.
� Maintenance Services.
� General Maintenance.
1. Complete civil works: 400 sites ( 100 RT and 300 Green Field sites,) from 2005 to till now. All civil works started with a raw piece land, all soil excavation, back filling, piling and foundation for the Tower, BTS room, generator room & boundary wall were accomplished in due time, all the plastering, painting & access roads were completed in a timely manner.
2. Electrical works ( indoor wirings, MDB, A/C, neon lights, emergency lights, fire alarm systems, indoor cable ladders, grounding, bus bars, smoke detectors were accomplished for the 294 sites according to Grameen Phone Ltd standards in excellent finishing and according to highest quality specs.
1. Complete civil works: 125sites (RT ) and 200 Green field and GFRT sites civil works, foundation for the 20m Tower, BTS room, generator room were accomplished in due time, all the plastering, painting were completed in a timely manner from 2005 to till now.
2. Electrical works ( indoor wirings, MDB, A/C, neon lights, emergency lights, fire alarm systems, indoor cable ladders, grounding, bus bars, smoke detectors were accomplished for the 325 sites according to RobiAxita BD Limited with standards in excellent finishing and according to highest quality specs.
1. Complete civil works: 75sites ( 66 Green Field sites, ) from 2005 to till now..All civil works started with a raw piece land, all soil excavation, back filling, piling and foundation for the Tower, BTS room, generator room & boundary wall were accomplished in due time, all the plastering, painting & access roads were completed in a timely manner.
2. Electrical works ( indoor wirings, MDB, MCCB, AVR, A/C, neon lights, emergency lights, fire alarm systems, SDP, MTS, indoor cable ladders, grounding, bus bars, smoke detectors were accomplished for the 66 sites according to Banglalink standards in excellent finishing and according to highest quality specs.
3. Telecom worksAll RF cables, GSM antennae, for 145 sites were installed and VSWR tests were undertaken for all sites using Anritsu site master.
4 .Micro Cells IBS solutions35 Micro cell sites were completed within the specified time for Banglalink, works included the civil and complete telecom works.
1. Complete civil works: 125 sites (RT) and 150 Green field from 2005 to till now. Civil works, Pole foundation and 20m Tower foundation, BTS room, generator room were accomplished in due time, all the plastering, and painting were completed in a timely manner.
2. Electrical works ( indoor wirings, MDB, A/C, emergency lights, fire alarm systems, indoor cable ladders, grounding, bus bars, were accomplished for the 30 sites according to Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited ( City Cell ) standards in excellent finishing and according to highest quality specs